Business Challenges

Requirements often change during project development, making it difficult to accurately assess workload. However, projects need to go live urgently, and there is a desire to reduce change processes.

Business systems need timely enhancement or new features, and business processes must change promptly, requiring agile development.

Numerous projects in banks lead to a severe shortage of developers, or mismatch in developers’ capabilities.

Solution Overview

Starting with the customer as the core, the solution addresses the low development efficiency caused by factors such as changes of requirements, friction between parties, and ambiguity in workload assessments during project development through a human outsourcing model. At the same time, outsourcing personnel are managed in a bidirectional manner (the client manages development content and quality, while the company manages the technical capabilities, personnel quality, and daily norms), reducing the management cost of non-core matters and improving delivery capabilities.

Customer Services

Solution Advantages

Ensures the provision of high-quality and highly executable developers.

Ensures the stability of outsourcing personnel, with an average stability of around 3 years (industry stability of outsourcing personnel is around 18 months).

Efficient supply of personnel.