Solution Overview

The Smart Flexible Class Teaching Management Software (referred to as the Super Timetable) is a teaching affairs management system driven by the demand for flexible class scheduling. It includes a total of 30 teaching management functions, such as “Personnel Management, Class Management, Teaching and Research Group Management, Grade Group Management, Course Management, Textbook Management, Subject Teacher Management, Course Opening Plan Management, Teachers’ Class Hour Plan Management, Career Planning, Flexible Course Selection, Flexible Class Assignment, Classroom Management, Scheduling Rule Management, One-Click Intelligent Scheduling, Class Timetables, Teacher Timetables, Student Timetables and Attendance”, using data-driven teaching management.
1.Organizational Structure: a development system of scientific organizational structure (grades, classes, teaching and research groups) is crucial to the success of this project.
2.Course Framework: a scientific course management system is necessary to effectively address various real-world issues such as national courses, local courses, school-based courses, mandatory courses, optional courses, total class hours, semester hours, weekly hours, etc.
3.Classroom Design: How to design each class? The scientificity of the model design directly determines whether core functions such as scheduling, timetable creation, and course adjustment can be successfully implemented.
4.Scheduling Conflicts: conflicts in over seven dimensions, including students, teachers, classrooms, time, special teacher scheduling requests, special course scheduling requests, and schedule adjustments, which exceeds the calculation capacity of the human brain.
5.Scheduling Algorithm: the scientificity of the scheduling algorithm directly determines (1) whether the entire school timetable (teacher timetable, student timetable, class timetable) can be created. (2) whether the machine-generated timetable is usable. These are the technical challenges that this product needs to address.

Customer Services

Solution Advantages

During scheduling, if classrooms for a class are not assigned, the system will automatically assign classrooms based on room management data.

If subject teachers are not assigned during scheduling, the system will automatically assign subject teachers based on teaching and research group member information.

After successful scheduling, it supports visual fine-tuning of single or multiple class timetables. If there are no rule or resource conflicts, rescheduling can be successful.

The system uses an asynchronous computing method, allowing administrators to close the browser and leave after pressing the scheduling button. Scheduling can be terminated before completion.

One-Click Timetable Generation: automatically generates flexible class and administrative class timetables based on teaching plans, scheduling rules, and academic arrangements.

Scheduling Rules: supports four constraint rules: “Prohibited, Prioritized, Inferior, Designated”.

Constraint Objects: supports two constraint objects: “Course, Teacher”.

Operation of Rules: visual operation, drag-and-drop scheduling on the timetable.

Resource Conflict Detection: during scheduling, various resource conflicts need to be avoided. The common resource conflicts fall into four categories: the same teacher cannot teach simultaneously...

It provide a package course selection mode.