Solution Overview

The School Overview Management System, also known as the Educational Basic Information Management System, is used to manage school overviews and construct basic frameworks, laying the foundation for educational applications. It serves as the foundational information management platform for digital campuses and smart education, providing basic settings and unified standard support for all applications.
Organizational Information: registers and maintains basic information such as school codes, school names, English names, addresses, enrollment radius, and more for educational institutions (schools, education bureaus, educational technology centers).
Campus Management: responsible for registering and maintaining basic information such as campus numbers, campus names, addresses, postal codes, contact phone numbers, fax numbers, and responsible personnel numbers.
Historical Development: used to register and maintain the historical continuity and information change for educational institutions, automatically forming historical records of the school or education bureau.
Academic Year and Semester: Includes management of academic years, semesters, and start and end dates of semesters. Start and end dates determine the semester weeks, which, in turn, affect scheduling in timetables and calendars.
Textbook Management: primarily used for registering and maintaining textbook information (book code, title, ISBN, author, edition, impression, pricing, publisher, distribution number, publication date, binding, format, etc.) and data output. Textbooks can be associated when adding courses.
Course Management: used for registering and maintaining course information and data output. Course information includes course, grade, course name, course level, self-study hours, etc. Course information is utilized in uploading resources, offering online courses, and arranging exams in the grading system, so it is crucial to add courses correctly.
Application Management: displays information about all installed applications on the current platform, mainly including: installed application icons, application names, current versions, latest versions, payment types, etc. Users can customize the application names and whether they appear on the navigation toolbar according to their preferences.
Role Management: provides two types of roles: regular roles and organizational roles, with organizational roles required to be associated with an organization. Roles such as network administrators and principals are regular roles, and the product collaborates with permission management and academic affairs management to meet almost all authorization-related managem
Permission Management: controls user access to the system according to needs,
Storage Management: primarily responsible for centralized management of file uploads, download
Login Log Query: mainly records the time and login addr
Communication Capabilities: includes the overall
System Settings: involves maintaining the educatio

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