Business Challenges

Large data scale, slow import, analysis, and response, multiple data sources, inconsistent data formats.

Over 90% of IT system data is relatively independent, insufficient “business interoperability and low sharing level of data” among various police types.

Long-term self-construction of various business systems, low effective resource utilization, unable to guarantee high reliability requirements.

Solution Overview

It builds a police cloud platform, integrates dispersed hardware resources through virtualization, achieves a shared computing resource pool, storage resource pool, and network resource pool, and allocates resources on demand and flexibly schedule them through an intelligent scheduling management platform.
★It builds a unified big data analysis and governance platform, creates a panoramic data view, comprehensively analyzes and deeply mines the massive integrated data. It uses distributed databases and massive data processing technologies to rapidly compute results, provide services to various police types, and enhance operational capabilities.
★It strengthens the security technology system and security management system construction of the police cloud data center, as well as data backup, and disaster recovery development, comprehensively ensuring the reliability, availability, and information security of the police system.

Customer Services

Solution Advantages

It improves hardware resource utilization by 2-3 times, saves more than 60% in energy consumption, and saves more than 75% in data center space.

It solves the problem of IT isolation, effectively integrates software and hardware resources, and achieves resource sharing across police types and departments.

It achieves the integration of cloud resource platform, big data platform, and police application platform, supporting the continuous development of police business.