Business Challenges

Needs timely warning of violations and quick discovery of problems.

In the era of big data and cloud computing, it is required to focus on the standardization of law enforcement and reduce the burden on grassroots public security organs, fully promote “big data + online supervision”...

The “13th Five-Year Plan” of the Ministry of Public Security requires various levels of police inspection departments to actively explore innovation and strengthen data thinking.

Solution Overview

The police inspection intelligent detection system uses video structured technology, integrates various cutting-edge computer vision technologies, achieves detection and recognition of people, objects, and their attributes, tracks trajectories, behavior analysis and alarm, and big data retrieval.

Customer Services

Solution Advantages

Intelligent detection management visualization shows early warning and prediction of violations and abnormal behaviors, greatly reducing the burden on public security bureau at grassroots level.

Cross-camera tracking, continuous recognition and monitoring of the same person to ensure accurate identification.

It achieves real-time tracking of multiple targets within a single camera.

It targets multi-attribute recognition (face, human shape, clothing, actions, etc.), boasting strong anti-interference performance and high recognition accuracy.